Friday, July 3, 2009

USCG to hire civilian inspectors

The USCG has announced the opening of the first installment of Civilian Vacancy Announcements for five new National Centers of Expertise (NCOE), stating that each center will have four to a maximum of nine inspectors/ investigators. The center employees are resources marine inspectors or investigators fully engaged in their primary inspection/ investigation assignments, who will also train student inspectors, advise policy-makers, regulation developers or operational program managers on trends, best practices, leading indicators, problematic issues or other functional area concerns.

It seems to me that the USCG is following Transport Canada's lead, where we have seasoned seagoing persoonnel employed as "steamship inspectors". And it seems reasonable to expect that with the training provided by these "civilian experts" the level of proficiency of the USCG inspectors will be raised.

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