Thursday, July 23, 2009

Update on the North American ECA Proposal

In IMO document MEPC 59/WP.12/Add.1 the IMO Secretariat issued the draft report of the Marine Environment Protection Committee on its 59th session, commenting also on the US-Canadian proposal for ECA designation of the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts.

A large majority of the delegates expressed support, in principle, for the proposed ECA, since it met the requirements of appendix 3 of MARPOL Annex VI. A total of 9 points were raised for careful consideration and clarification when reviewing the proposal in detail; such as extend of proposed ECA, position of Saint-Pierre et Michelon, gain/loss between 150 and 200 nautical miles, availability of low sulfur fuel, additional cost of fuel used in the ECA, etc.

The Committee agreed to forward the United States/Canadian proposal to the Technical Group for further consideration, taking in account the above and in particular:
.1 the availability of LS fuel and its consequences; and
.2 the position of the Saint-Pierre et Michelon Archipelago as French territories in the proposed ECA.

For the full text of the IMO document, please contact me at

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