Monday, June 1, 2009

Some interesting IMO documents of June 1, 2009

MEPC 59/10/7

The International Fund for Animal Welfare expressed their support of IMarEST proposal (DE 52/20/3) on a guide for diagnosing contaminants in oily bilge water, to maintain, operate and troubleshoot bilge water treatment systems. DE-52 observed that "the proposed Guide could be an excellent tool to help engine-room crews to comply with MARPOL Annex I".

MEPC 59/10/10

The USA supports the mandatory phase-out of oily water separators and oil discharge monitoring systems complying with Resolution MEPC.60(33) and A.586(14). Specifically, the Sub-Committee concluded it could not achieve the Committee's tasking, because the issue was not a dedicated item on the Sub-Committe's agenda or work programme. Therefore, the United States proposes that the Committee establish a dedicated item in the Sub-Committee's work programme and agenda to facilitate completion on the Committee's instructions.

I believe that when the above request is followed, we will see the phasing out of "grand-fathered" oil pollution prevention equipment.

If you are interested in the referenced documents, don't hesitate to contact me for a copy.

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