Monday, February 1, 2010

GHG Emissions from Ships

There is considerable activity on the IMO-DOCS Website on coming regulations for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from shipping.

IMO is looking at market-based measures to address GHG emissions from shipping for ships above 400 tons.

With a Maritime Emissions Trading System (METS) in place, GHG emissions could be calculated based on the bunker delivery notes. To accurately capture GHG costs for the company, emissions would need to be auctioned on a regular basis. e.g. for monthly reporting of GHG emissions, weekly carbon auctions would be required.

It seems pretty clear that something on GHG emissions will be implemented. Whatever the future IMO requirements will be, there will be more recording and reporting and verification requirements. With it the workload of the company will increase, as will the risk for the owners and crews, if we use the US's approach to port state control issues.